Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Eagles Have Landed...Brisbane - Fraser Island - Gladstone

Well, here we are at last. What a long way – you certainly have to want to come to endure the journey. Four flight meals only occupy so much time and sleeping becomes a painful exercise. I realised why people say that they can’t sleep – it’s not that you don’t want to or that you’re not totally exhausted – it is just excruciatingly uncomfortable so you only doze in short bursts. Never mind, on the last leg I was by the window and got to see practically uninhabited areas of Indonesia and Vietnam with huge meandering rivers and vast areas of rainforest.

View from our balcony - Medina

Brisbane – a beautiful, clean, modern city with a virtually perfect hotel on the river overlooking Storey Bridge. Ian had left us champagne, fruit and cheese and we sat on the balcony and watched 3 boys climb the leg of the bridge and cross over to the other side. Despite the exhaustion we couldn’t go to bed because it was so lovely to be sitting outside in such perfect surroundings.

Ettamogah Pub with us on it..
Sunday morning and we set off north on the Bruce Highway calling at the Ettamogah pub for a look at this lopsided landmark and just next door we spent an hour fossicking for semi-precious stones and an elusive gold nugget. Then on northwards, crossing to the Coloola coast by car ferry.

Chloe and Beth on Cooloola Beach
Onto the beach and off we went – amazing – beach as far as the eye can see and 4wd’s using it like a highway. Dan had fun driving, going off into the soft sand just for the hell of it! Quick stop for a look at a manta ray and then a race against the tide to get to Rainbow Beach. Luckily, at the time, we didn’t realise how crucial the timing was but as we checked in for our overnight stop there was a gallery of wrecked vehicles that hadn’t quite made it!!

Barramundie Dinner - Raibow Beach - 11th Dec 05
We had a lovely chalet overlooking the pool and Ian did our first barbeque – barramundi, which is a delicious fish, accompanied by salad and warm bread – just what the doctor ordered.

Rainbow Beach - Inskip Point Ferry
Up early on Monday (6.15 am) and Chloe and I walked up the beach as the temperature started to climb. Quick stop at the local shops to purchase Polarised sunglasses and more fruit for the day and then we headed off for another ferry at Inskip point. The ferry docks straight onto the sand and as we set off Ian told us that the water goes underneath the sand and once broke off as they loaded the ferry, depositing all the vehicles in the sea!

Beth Having a drive
Another drive on the beach and this time the girls had a go. I was persuaded that I had to drive and was happily motoring on hard sand when Ian asked me to turn left off the beach. I managed the transfer onto soft sand OK but then there was a narrow track and as I crested a little hill there was a drop onto a narrow plank bridge with no sides. “Bloody hell, Ian” I cried as he helped me to keep on track and then I handed over to Dan who loves adrenalin rushes.

Next stop was to move a tree trunk that had fallen over the track and then to see a Golden Orb spider that had built a web over the road. - Golden Orb Weaver Spider

As you can tell we were off the beaten track! We headed for Lake Boomjamin which was our first view of a perched lake (usually fairly high up and dammed by a sand barrier). The lake was tea-coloured from the tannin in the trees, which were mostly macherinas or bottle-brush trees. It was like stepping into bath and Chloe, Dan and Ian went for a dip whilst Beth and I just soaked up our surroundings.

Lake McKenzie pics too come...In the meantime..Happy Beth and Chloe The highlight of the day was Lake McKenzie, a paradise of a place with white, white sand that is so fine it is almost a powder and crystal clear water. Beth was ecstatic and it was so wonderful to see her so happy.

Dan and Chloe - miles away
They spotted some turtles as they swam out to a little island and we all agreed that it was probably the most beautiful place we have ever seen.

Umm! Slightly Pear Shaped
After that things went pear shaped for the day. We arrived at our resort which Ian had told us was quite posh and followed directions to get to our ‘room’ - number 129. Ian had left us to find his – number 118. The key wouldn’t work and I had to walk to Reception to pick up another key. We got in and were ‘wowed’ by the place – it was superb – the height of luxury. Beth and I had a shower whilst we waited for our luggage and when Ian arrived we were sitting around in towels. Someone came to check if we had air-conditioning and we agreed that the fans were OK. The luggage arrived BUT it wasn’t ours! Cutting a long story short we realised that we were in the wrong room and had to walk through the main hotel in our towels! The right room seemed like quite a come down as it was a single room with 3 beds in it and a bathroom. Anyway we settled in and then went off to find the Sand Bar for a meal. We had to walk for ages in the dark but eventually found it and just managed to order our meals before it closed. When they arrived poor Beth knocked hers onto the floor so we dashed to order another one but were told that as we had dropped it we would have to pay. Needless to say, by this time, Beth had decided she didn’t want to eat and wouldn’t let me order another one. Ian was furious and went off to tell the manager what he thought of him whilst I just wanted to get away and go somewhere else. Not an option on an island!

We had a bottle of champagne delivered as an apology but after Ian had spoken to the big boss, TJ, we were promised a meal in the Seabelle restaurant. It sounds superb and I am looking forward to some Moreton Bay Bugs! After a good night’s sleep everything seemed a lot better this morning.

A Note from Iano
I was furious...Customer Service was a little lacking but after my approach to several managers, I was able to get the guys into Sebelle's Alacarte Seafood Restaurant. It just so happens that it's probably one of the most expensive places to eat on the east coast. Phew....308 dollars later they seemed to be satisfied...Wouldn't you be???...All sorted...My advice to anyone who stays at Kingfisher Bay is to remember that there is more than one room with 129 on the front door...Confusing!! - Iano..

Images to come. I am having problems downloading for some reason but I'm working on it...Iano
We decided to go back to Lake McKenzie as Beth had enjoyed it so much and I had left my swimming costume. We all had a swim and tried out a new water hammock and then headed north for Eli Creek. The water was very cold so we just walked up the creek path and then waded down to the beach but they spotted two body boards which the owner agreed to let Chloe and Dan use. So I waited on the bridge and Chloe and Dan came down on the boards, Beth using the two floats out of the hammock and Ian floating. We followed the stream down to the sea and Dan and Ian caught a couple of waves.

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